
The concept of human capital was developed in the 1960s and is founded on the idea that hard work, education, and skill development all lead to more work output. The term human capital is recognition that people in organisations and businesses are an important and essential asset that contributes to development and growth, in a similar way as physical assets such as machines and money. The collective attitudes, skills and abilities of people contribute to organisational performance and productivity. Any expenditure in training, development, health and support is an investment, not just an expense.

Often the problem with human capital development lies in the conversion of intellectual knowledge into the measure of the output an employee can achieve.  This output can be used to make everyday tasks in the workplace an unconscious skill that increases productivity. Human capital development is also used to accelerate and grow staff into new positions and help the transitions into new positions through either coaching mentoring and/or shadowing.


Over the years, the terms used to describe staff and employees in businesses have changed. We have moved from “personnel” to “human resources” (HR) and now “human capital”.  Talent management should stand at the core of organisations to enlarge people’s choices.  Once you have a comprehensive talent management strategy.  Staff wellness increase and makes organisations sought after for high performers to seek employment at.


  • Organisational Development Processes
  • Group Coaching
  • 1-on-1 Coaching & Mentoring Processes
  • Soft Skills Training Intervention

We are excited to announce a free talk on the transformative power of Ayahuasca, which will take place on July 29, 2023, in Chartwell. We would be delighted if you could join us for this enlightening event.

Ayahuasca is an ancient plant medicine known for its profound effects on personal growth, spiritual exploration, and healing. Our esteemed speaker, Mabel Terblanche, is a renowned expert in the field and will be sharing valuable insights and experiences related to Ayahuasca and its potential benefits.

The talk will cover various aspects of Ayahuasca, including its cultural significance, history, therapeutic applications, and personal experiences. It will be an opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of this powerful plant medicine and its potential impact on individual well-being.

To ensure we can accommodate everyone interested, we kindly request that you RSVP to admin@mnhwellness.co.za by July 26, 2023. Please provide your full name and contact information when confirming your attendance.